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Thursday, July 14, 2005

You know I love you but I just can't take this

...You know I love you but I'm playing for keeps, although I need you I'm not gonna make this. You know I want to but I'm in too deep.

I just found who sang that song! I've heard it on the radio a couple of time. Luckily, I had a pen and a piece of paper in my hand this time. I kept looking under Phil Collins lyrics, but it's definitely Genesis. Tomorrow night I'm going to watch Jeff play softball again. I REALLY want to go like watch the tigers play. I think that would be way cool.

A sad thing at work happened today. There is this elderly man that comes in, and he always has his wife with him. Okay, I think for you to get the full effect of this story I'll tell you what they normally do: They pull up, he opens her door for her, and helps her out of the car. He then ushers her inside were he helps her sit down in her seat. Then, He comes up and gets a chicken sandwhich for himself, and a cup of soup for her. Well, they hadn't been in for like a week. He came in today, and just got the sandwich so I asked him if he needed a cup of soup for his wife. These are his exact words "No, my wife died, so I don't need to get soup anymore." My jaw hit the floor. I was about to cry. I thought it was very sad. I wanted to run out there and just give him a hug, but I though some people might think that would be unprofessional of me. Then Jeff came in and things were okay again.

anyway, I think LeeAnn and I are seeing "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" after the softball game, so if anyone would like to accompany us. That could be fun! Oh p.s. If you need to call me for some unknown reason. Call my house my phone has been temporarily disconnected. Anyway. I hope you kids have fun.



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