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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hold on loosely

This applies to people, not dumbells, which I found out his morning after nearly decapitating my foot with a 25LBer.

Went to MI Adventure Sunday, highlights:

Alan emerging from the mine shaft pummeling Geoff into Submission

Successfully flipping over on my tube mid-snake-pit

Lazy River fights A-F

Opie and Alan winning prizes for obesity.

All-in-all it was a pretty good time. I feel like we may have overeaten at Pizza Hut...but wow, I was famished.

Yesterday was pretty much your basic day, except for a I totaled my car. I'm sure you've all heard the story so I'll leave out the details. When I was leaving the insurance company it started raining and the heat came off of the blacktop...I think I almoast died. I early passed out before reaching my car. I was pretty disappointed in the storm though, I hear some places got demolished...and we had like 7 minutes of hard rain. Boo.

SO I cleaned out that steer pen yesterday...amazing. I was trucking clay/manure out of that pen for nearly an hour. That stuff was AMAZINGLY heavy. I had to actually support the pick near the end because it was starting to crack. I sweated a lot.

Had a 4H meeting, and that was enjoyable. I managed to get out of there on time and head over to basketball...Buttttt then I detoured. I was going to be late anyway, and apparently the games were outside (info chauncey?), so I opted for wedding crashers with opie, alesheia, and geoff.

Gotta tell ya, funny movie. It had the inappropriate air of old shcool, but I think that DVD may become a staple around these parts. We brought in 5 boxes of candy and there were no survivors. RIP Charleston and its Chews.

Thought about going to EL today to hang out with Alan, but then I remembered that my car sustainted $3900 worth of damage, so I'll probably be hanging out around home. I thnk I'm playing SB with opie tonight in freeport, although I still don't have a time on that. I Do love the church league.

I guess get out early today, and I'll definitely be boiling me some eggs. It's going to be beautiful. A new book "Strength Training Anatomy" came to the gym this week, and it's amazing.

Apes don't have long arms, Humans just have short legs. BEAUTIFUL.

Alright, I'm out, have a good day eveyrone.


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