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Monday, July 18, 2005

Where I come from it's corn bread and chicken.

... Which is what I had tonight for dinner, well not so much cornbread, but a poppyseed muffin was involved. The weekend was pretty uneventful sad I know, but what can ya do? Would you like a play by play? (well it doesn't matter anyway because you're going to get one.)

Friday: Read most of the day, Watched The kids mercy the old guys. well uh. If I did anything I don't remember, so let's move on.

Saturday: Got up, and immediatly started reading. Dustin, Cheese, and Joey all came over, and went tubing. I cleaned the house, and started on some laundry (mmmm). Then LeeAnn and I went and saw "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Then I went to Denny's, and then I came home read until 2:30 and went to bed.

Sunday: One again, I awoke and immediatly started reading. Went for a walk, finished laundry. Mom came home, and we got something to eat. Then capped off the day with the Fantastic Four.

Today, I got up went to work, almost punched Patti right in the face (don't worry I refrained, it took a lot of effort though). Patti is very deep into her faith. Everyday she comes in, and automatically asks if we can turn the music off (The MUSAK! thing is turned off so the customers can't hear it out in the lobby, which is a BIG corporate No no, so we have this little portable radio so atleast we can listen to music while we do our thing). Anyway, we decided to play some country today. Ya know Shana and I decided to get our country groove on. Patti comes in and automatically asks for the music to be turned off, and says that "Rich doesn't want the radio on." I said to her "Well, we like to listen to music while we're back here.". HAHA I thought I had her, well not so much then she was like "well Rich DOESN'T want the radio on." and turned it off!!!! OMG I was all sorts of P.Od. Which I don't know if Rich doesn't want the music to be on, or if it's just an excuse for Patti, but I'm determined to get to the bottom of this. Justice must be served. It's not like Country Music offends her; if it did that would be different story she just doesn't want to listen to it if it's not what she listens to. Before I left today, Shana and I took the radio in the back, and luckily for us there was an Old Aerosmith song on "Back in the Saddle". So we, being the deticated Aerosmith fans that we are let our "freak flags fly" and got our groove thang on! It was good times. Anyway I feel that this is getting a little long. Keep Rockin' Hard.

Love and Kisses,
Ms. Courtney


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