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Monday, July 18, 2005

Frost Flak.

Softball. Work. No sleep. Am i am still up right now. I cannot believe that no one blogged this bitch up today. How sad is that? But anyway, Pat is trying to reminise with me right now and telling me stories about high school and stuff, and i am trying to type. DAMNIT PAT.

Speaking of damn it, i was telling innocent little Rachle King she should start to practice saying cuss words, so she can fit in with the rest of the world this fall. We are starting with damn it. Good story, huh?

Well, i am definately going to bed. I WILL have a good day tomorrow, it is going to happen, i swear. Someone call me and leave me an uplifting voicemail, please. . . . do it for me. I love you all.

- Abby (hotdog) Weeks


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