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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Rain Drops keep falling on my head...

WELL, Its been a while since I've blogged. I'm not even sure when the last one was, but I guess I'll just give a rundown of the last few days.

Thursday night ended with two, count em TWO softball losses. I did find a remedy for my constant pop-ups though, so all was not lost. Melanie for sure has us winning, but Bunglin's team has been known to be kinda shaky on what the REAL score is. I'm not saying anyone did anything...I have no opinion.

Ok, so on Thursday night, for a little while, I pretty much had Friday off. Then Abby called me, and I became an Eric Chase golf volunteer, which was going to be kind of cool, because I was gonna cruise around on a beverage cart and sell 50/50. WELL, I ended up opening Friday morning because I had to be in Hastings by 7:30. I didn't lift because Robyn was in there, but that actually worked out ok for me. (She, by the way, was dressed very skankily. I honestly hate being there when she comes in. I can't even describe how bad I want to disapper. AGHHHH it gives me chills. Anyway.) I ended up Hauling golf bags around for 1.5 hours, and right when I was going to get on my cart I got a call. I had to do hay. Boo.

Turns out my 4H leader really needed help, and he only had some youngins (HS freshman) available. SO, I ended throwing approximately 1,000,000 bales over my head. Shocked the delts though. It's a deep burn, it's so deeeeep. I happened to be doing hay 1.5 miles on either side of Abby's house (field and barn) so I kept driving by pretty much all day. Luckily it started to sprinkle a little bit around 5, so I was home by 6. My plan actually was to go jump in the flat river before the softball game...luckily it didnt come to that..

The room is spinning.

We won 21-0 in softball, which may never happen again, so thanks to everyone who saw it (cass). Speaking of Cass, went and saw her at work, good times. They hook me up with a discount in there, and that, rules. Thanks for coming though, Ada beef is nothing without it's fans. Side note: They had a RIDICULOUSLY slow LC fielder, so I had an ITP home run, good stuff.

Wow I really can't write effectively tonight, this is really boring. Saturday I golfed all day in the 500 degree heat, but it wasn't bad. I found like 15 golf balls. It was a 4 man scramble and I played with my dad, Nick, and Al. Nick and my dad competed for most shots-used, and Nick sank a putt at the end to win 25-24, it was a rela barn burner (note: they used 13 of my shots and 18 of Al's). I have this penchant toward hitting trees that is truly amazing. I hit like 9 tree TRUNKS last time I golfed, and this time was no different. I managed to hit a tree, SQUARE in the trunk, which was no more than 3 inches in diameter. So square that it bounded from the tree like 30 yards in the other direction onto the fairway. It ruled. That was 1/13.

Then I lifted and Opie/Simcox played racquetball. Opie owes Simcox beer now.

I ran in the rain and beat my best time in the triangle by 1 sec.

I'm really getting wicked tired right now.

Might go to Kings tonight, could be fun. Oh, by the way, I went to Meijer last night, and I swear i FORGOT WHERE I PARKED MY CAR. I had absolutely no idea, at all, where I left it. I walked around the parking lot for like 10 min. until I almost walked into it. As strange as it sounds, I can't wait til MSU starts so I can sleep once in a while :)



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