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Sunday, July 24, 2005


It was hot today. 97 wonderful degrees according to the Union Bank sign in Lake O, or 98 according to the thermometer in my dad's Ford. Either way, WOW, that's steamy. Call me crazy, but I like it. Until I have to work in it tomorrow, that is...

I thought I should probably report that Jeff has some sort of freakish toothache right now and he's about to lose his mind from the pain. Not too long ago he was lying out in the yard groaning from the pain. He took some codine and mi madre put some magic tooth-numbing stuff on his tooth, so he's a little better now, but man I was a little worried there for a while. Thought he might cut off a limb to take his mind off the pain, it looked THAT bad. I'm going to go ahead and predict that the gym doesn't open on time tomorrow.

Checked out some apartments today with my future roommate Andrew Douglas Michael Hoort. We looked at a lot of decent places, but I think we're going to end up in Easttown. That place has good times written all over it. My only worry is that I might not be cool enough to live there.

WEDDING CRASHERS... Wow, that is freakin hilarious. MAN. I need to see it again and try to remember some lines. I think one of the best things about this flick is that, unlike other comedies, it gets funnier and funnier as it goes along. Some comedies kinda die out towards the end, but not this one. I would also like to report that they couldn't have found two women that are much hotter than the two main characters. Good work on that, whoever made that movie. Might have to see it again next weekend.

I bought a "Wheaties" shirt at PacSun on Saturday, and it's amazing. Easily the coolest shirt I've ever had. It caught my eye as I was walking down the mall aisle, and I went in and bought it within, oh, about 35 seconds. I'm sure you'll all see it soon cuz I'll be wearing it every day. It might even make me cool enough to live in Eastown, I don't know, I'll have to get back to y'all on that.

And I'm done. Good night all.


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