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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Jay-Z Motherfucker, from the, the, the block...

...went solo on that ass, but it's still the same.

So, I haven't blogged it up in quite some time. Not because of the "incident", you may affectionately know it as. I have been at MSU AOP for the past couple o' days. It was good, a ton of pussy. COPIOUS amounts of vag. I'll get to that later...

So, the girl of my dreams cancelled our date tonight on account of philosophy homework. Oh well, that shit'll happen. I am kind of bummed, but at the same time, am glad I don't have to drive out to EL for like the tenth time in a week. I guess she is kind of seeing this other guy, so that'll happen to. Anyway, I am still a big loser and am thinking about giving Rebecca a call to see if she wants to come to the BBQ on Friday. I am also pumped because now I can go buy running shoes, which I now know I need because of what I read at MSU in the IM West building. I saw on the wrestling locker room, well, a little announcement. The paper said that at 6:20 am on Tuesday, all wrestlers had a little run. By little run, I mean, a 12-mile run. Yeah. That's a long ass way. I don't like driving that far, it's outrageous. So, starting tomorrow, I am going to be hitting the track for distance running and sprints every day during the week. I need to get in shape pretty goddamn fast.

Anyway, AOP was actually pretty cool. I was really social, however I didn't really talk to anybody there more than once. Like, I met a lot of people, but didn't talk to the same people twice. Highlights of the AOP were that:
-A SMOKIN' gymnast named Jenna sat next to me and talked to me. She is short, blond, and real hot...oh yeah, and on the gymnastics squad at MSU. Score. She is also living in S. Wonders, which is where I will be residing, so she is scoring points left and right.
-I got hit on by some AOP directors, like the girls who run the place. It was neat-o. I went for a walk with one of them. She is really cute. I would have molested her.
-I got asked if I played football about a million times, kind of annoying to keep telling people that you wrestle, but I was flattered that they thought I was big enough to play Div. I. I was also wearing football athletic shorts and a cutoff. I looked like a dirtbag, but I'll be damned if I wasn't the most comfortable cat there.
- Roomed with a guy that is going to be on the wrestling team wrestling 197. He wrestled 215 in Ohio and also placed 3rd. Seemed like a cool cat, thought I weighed 230, and about shit his pants when I told him that I was about 250.
-The girls...the girls around there were on another level. And they all like athletes. I was pumped. I made pretty fast friends with the girls I chatted with. I love girls. Girls, girls, girls.

On the flip side, there was a few crappy things.
- The heat. Jesus Christ. The heat.
-Douchebag city. One kid told every single person in the auditorium that he drinks piss. Another kid, named George, on the first day had TEXTBOOK douchebag gear on. Two Polos. Both collars popped. Plaid shorts on. Pink. Gigantic hemp bracelet. Pink. Hat. Cocked backwards and sideways. I almost went up to him and jammed my pencil up his urethra strictly for being a fuckin' retard.
-Walking. In the heat. Sweatiness. A lot.
-Food was terrible.

Anyway, all in all, AOP wasn't as bad as everybody thinks, sure it was lame, but I could totally overlook that because of the all hot twat waddling around campus. It's almost too much for me to handle. I hope that being an athlete makes it so I get laid a whole bunch. That would rock.

Anyway, looks like my plans for tonight are up in the air. Probably go see "Wedding Crashers" with Geoff and maybe Opie. I'll holla at him in a few.

I am reading a book. You heard it here first. Me. A book. It's called "Bringing Down the House". It is about these 6 MIT students who started card counting at blackjack tables and won millions of dollars. It is really interesting. It's sweet. I recommend it thus far.

All right, I'm done, I'm outtie, tell them something they don't already know about me...



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