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Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hell Motherfu...I mean, Yes Sir, Dean Cain, Sir

Wow, I have reached a whole new level of boredom. A level so boring that only a made up word can describe...

-Superbrainfucktacularbored: Adj- A describing word used to describe a level of boredom that is equal to or greater than a grandparent's speech at a family picnic.

No one cool is here. Except me. I rule. But everybody that is normally cool is not here. No Jay, Geoff, and no Jaqueline (known affectionately as J-Money). I have been sitting here in silence, for...going on damn near 6 hours. The only cool thing is that I ordered all my computer parts... here is a rundown of my purchases...

Moniter-19'' LG Flatron Flat Panel
Case- Antec P160
Keyboard and Mouse- Logitech LC428 with Bluetooth
CPU- AMD Athlon64 3500 Socket 939
Motherboard- DFI Lanparty UT NF4Ultra-D Socket 939
Memory- 1 GB PC2-5300
Hard Drive- Western Digital UD4000KD 400 GB 7200 RPM
Power Supply- ATX 1140 F DBS 400w Low Noise
Video Card- ATI Radeon X800 XL 256 MB DDR/PCI-E/TV-Out/VGA/DVI
DVD Burner- Sony DW-D26A 16x

Needless to say, I need to change my shorts because of the gigantic wet stain that was left from when I blew my wad writing that down. Having this and my PSP puts me at GQ's number one spot of Alltime Coolest People of Alltime...yeah. That computer might be able to actually run a couple of humans.

If you all get a chance, you should probably check this out...


My Uncle Matt picking this up for me and storing it for me could put him at the top of the family todem. I think I might become a terrorist.

Got up late today. Bummer. I was almost late for work again, but ended up getting here just in time. I left the office for lunch today. When I opened the doors at Foremost, I was hit with the hottest wall of air I have ever felt. All I know, is that the Devil would be jealous of the heat in Michigan. Makes hell look like the fuckin' South Pole.

Yesterday night was ok. I went over to Katie Martz's house for a surprise birthday party for Paul. It was pretty cool, not many people came. We just kind of sat around and shot the shit. I just came because Katie invited me, and Paul is a pretty cool cat. His mom works at Foremost. Katie and I are going out to dinner on Tuesday night, I believe, so that should be fun. Lost about $17 at Euchre last night. That was horseshit though. Played "I've never" and found out some things about Jeff. Perv.

I think I am going to head over to Opie's later tonight to watch Family Guy. I think I might be solo because Geoff is hanging out with his fiance' all day today, so who knows? I think I might head to the mall tomorrow. Might go see Wedding Crashers again because that is damn near the funniest movie I have ever seen. Plus I want to go to Coldstone and see if I can hit on that Danni girl again. She was attractive.

Anyway, I have callouses all over my hand and it is really starting to take the fun out of spankin' it (see: Penis, Cock, Dick, Wang, Dong, Dooder, etc) because the callouses cause some serious damage to the shaft and head junction. It's kind of painful, which sometimes is ok, you know, mix a little pain with pleasure. I like to get a little domanatrix-y with myself sometime, but it is getting uncomfortable to walk around because of the friction. So, I think I need to cut back a little bit. Or get laid more. I don't really see either happening. I am a realist. But if anyone on this has friends that are under 200, well, under 300 (at this point...who cares?) pounds that want to get nasty with me, let me know.

Ah, I want to go see "Bad News Bears". That looks really funny. Anyone want to go see it with me? Billy Bob Thorton really scored all sorts of points with me after Bad Santa. That movie was classic. I think I might rent that tonight. Hilarious.

Aww motherfucker. Compass is down here at Foremost. Now I get to take claims by paper. I fucking hate paper. Goddamn trees.

I am going to go ahead and get the hell out of here. I am going to go whack, wait, no I am not. I am going to catch some ZZZ's.

-The Ghostbuster.


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