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Saturday, July 23, 2005

The best of you

So it looks like the blog is slowing WAY down. It makes me sad, i don't really know what happened. So i had a hundred things to do this weekend, but now i am stuck going to family functions. Rachel's baby shower was alright, i'm glad she liked the little NMU sweatsuit i got for Skylar. I hope i get to see Skylar before i leave for NMU, but she is due the 30th of August. . . so that is 1 day after i start. Sweet.

Last night i stayed at the fair with Jordan Rodgers. Rachel King, Steph Hynes, and Jessie Thelen all stayed too. It was fun, but sadly short-lived. We got there late and came home early, but that was alright, i guess. I would have not done anything really in the morning anyway. I always enjoy hanging out with Rachel too, i feel like i am not just wasting my time or something. I am sad i won't get to walk her steer again, she took them to the fair this morning. Maybe next summer i will walk one again.

School is slowly approaching. I have not gotten my roomie info yet- but i am moving in about a month from now, so i am excited. My Great Aunt Rosamary was talking about it today. I think she thinks i am going to die or something. But her grandkids all went to private little schools with 10 people in their class, so. . . it is kind of a joke to us. She always brags about how they were saluatorian and what not. . . wow. 2nd of 10? Is that even good? But anyway- I am excited. I think i get paid this Wednesday, although i cannot cash the scheck until Thursday- LAME. But i need the money to go to Tennessee next weekend, so that is good. I love Tennessee.

I am trying to write all my family thank yous before we leave at 6. . . it is hard to do when i am doing this too. . . oh well.

Well, i should get going i guess, i have a long day/night ahead of me! Enjoy the day everyone!

-Aunt Abby


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