Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

...I'm easy, easy like sunday morning.

I've been hearing that song on the radio lately. ohh I hear another thunderstorm a comin'. Well I've supposidly got Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off again, but we'll see how far that goes. I thought today was going to be the worst day in history of subway ever. Shana called in today, and I didn't know who was scheduled. Thankfully, everything worked out.

Jeff, and Opie definitely came in. at one point I got confused about what Jeff was talking about. At first, I thought he was saying 'Fax' like a fax machine, and I was thinking "Yea we've got a fax what's it to you?" Come to find out he was talking about nutrional FACTS. Silly me. It was a long morning. It'll happen.

So Tuesday I was quite proud of myself. I was on my way to work at 5:45 in the AM, and I was listening to Free Beer and Hot Wings (Those two make me giggle). They were doing a flash back of the last Dumber than Zane trivia (they all went on vaction since one of them got married). This guy and Zane were just getting the questions without pausing, and then they asked the question "What's the most common hispanic surname?" and I said Rodriquez (??). Zane said some name, and the other guy said Gonzalas. and Rodriquez was the right answer. THEN, the next question was "Who was the first rapper to appear on american banstand?" I thought for a minute, and I just thought run D.M.C, and IT was! I was excited. ohh geez it's raining kinda hard, maybe I should go check on the basement! eek! anyway. You kids have fun!

~Butch Cassidy


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