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Thursday, July 07, 2005

will somebody play catch with me?

Well, i experienced my first "bar" fight lastnight. Jessi, Hannah, and I went to Margarita grill last night... We danced for like maybe five songs. We never really actually danced we actually just danced like idiots. The only guy was danced with was Me and Hannah 'Night At the Roxbury'ing' a gay guy. Oh well, I just go to hang with my girls. I walk away from guys that try and dance with me anyway... yes I'm one of those girls.

So we're out side and we hear a ruckus and this guy comes out (actully this guy was with Paul (old denny's server)) He has a huge gash (atleast 4 inches long) on the side of his head. and he is bleeding everywhere. all down his face, head, chest, shirt. He's freaking out and yelling at this dude and crap. It was intense.I guess he started crap with this guy and the guy hit him over the head with a beer bottle twice. Jessi and Hannah didn't feel well after seeing him all bloody and I didn't feel like dancing anymore so we left. But it was a good first experience. Just thought I'd share. Byebye!


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