Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Monday, May 22, 2006

I shoulda been gone!

Yea LeeAnn I get ya. I didn't realize that Dave was whoring himself. I had my eyes on other things..(hehehe) I've seen the picture abby took, and I giggled. I wonder if she deleted the one of John and I? That was a good picture of me. Well anyway, not a lot went on today. It was my brothers birthday so we went out to dinner, and I stopped up to the hospital to get a bid sheet and they didn't have any! I was kinda angry because they always have them. now I have to wait until HR opens up tomorrow to get one! Sheesh anyway Peace!


Oh Cass it's okay for the violent shake! I knew you were a little tipsy. Yeah... Dave... great guy, but he needs to think things through a little bit. I've met him like four times, and each time wasn't for more than a half an hour. I don't know about you... But I don't "fall in love" that quickly! And yes, Dave... who was hitting on everybody with two legs and a vagina!! He'd go from girl to girl without a beat! It was pretty funny!

Anyway, great story for you all on how I suck at life! -- I was babysitting Desirae Dingman's baby today (Brynn, 8 months old, cute as hell!) and she was in her play pen and so I wanted to go get my book out of my car so I do, and I go to go back inside and the door is locked. It was one of those frickin door's that it'll open from the inside even if it is locked! YEAH she has like 15 windows in her house and 4 doors AND THEY ARE ALL LOCKED! I was freaking out! So long story short I kept on checking on Brynn through the window and she was fine... and I was trying to think of a plan and then she starts to cry, so I HAVE to break a window to get in! I was sooo embarrassed to tell Dezi! I'm not a bad baby sitter, I just suck at life! I have cuts all over my hand, and I don't really know how! I used a rock, so who knows! THAT my friends is my dumbass story for the day! Hope it makes you feel like a better person for the day!


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Good Times

lol LeeAnn I'm sorry I shook you violently, and I'm also sorry I was screaming at you to go out on one date with Dave, but he told me from the first time he saw you he was "in love" with you. I just had to help a brotha out ya know. The guy that kept talking about feelings with us? Are you talking about John? because he kept telling emily at like 3 O'clock in the morning to take off her bra, and he's not a very good kisser. Anyway, it was a good night. I had to walk Nick out to Cody's car that was funny. ohh anyway I'll mosey on outta here Peace kids.

P.S. funniest part of the night by far was when Brad W. told me that he found a pill on the floor of the bathroom and took it, so he was trippin on something. It was funny I laughed for like five minutes.


[Geoff has officially been called out!] Good work Abby!

Stons won... I am happy. The weather this week is looking up... Maybe !'ll be able to sunbathe because hey guess what? I can't find a job!!!! (bitter sorry)

Oh so... for all of you who missed it...Cass attacked me lastnight! She was well... drunk and had me by the sholders and was violently shaking me back and forth screaming "LeeAnn! You need to go out on ONE date with him, just say yes! He really likes you and wants you to go out on a date with him, just do it LeeAnn! Come on! LEEANN DO IT!" Over and over while still violently shaking me. So I got out of there ASAP! Abby was a bit freaked out too by that one dude following her up the stairs to Alesheia's bedroom (thank God people were in there already). Lol...

Well I hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Where's the love?

So. . . i haven't entirely decided what i feel like typing about. It is really early in the morning right now. I need to get up really early too. I should go to bed. Anyone else ever do this whole interalized debate thing?

So anyway- i have only been home for 2 weeks now, but it feel ike a LOT LOT LOT longer than that. I don't know why, but it just does. Maybe it is because I know i will be here for a long time, but i am still stuck in "cram everything in quick!" mode. And i really have. I think i have decided that this coming week i will instead not do anything at all besides go to school and home. I SWEAR. No weekend festivites. Ugh. We'll see about that though. FUCK. I just now realized i won't be able to go to graduation. FUCK. Valley is singing though! DAMNIT. I have school until 10:15pm on Thursdays. And we have quizes after every lab. I am completely stuck i do believe. Shit.

So kinda funny story, but this happened like. . . last weekend. But anyway, i was in East Lansing with Al, he went into this gas station for a paper (or possibly food) while i waited in my Jeep. Meanwhile, creepy dudes staring at me pull up next to me. They park and get out, and go into the store. Suddenly i realize, "Is Dude's truck moving?" AND IT WAS. His car continued to roll backwords and completely nail the huge cement pole blocking the gas pump. I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably for a few minutes. This throughly confused Alan, but there was no raining on my parade, it was damn funny. Alan yelled at Dude to come out and do something about his truck, so Dude just reparked. Hahaha, what a jackass.

Geoff. This is your damn blog. POST. :-D

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Hello. Abby I'm doing this for you. OH by the way I have to be honest here. Abby I'm not going back to Africa to learn about African tribes. I'm really going back underground. Yep, sorry I'm no longer Cassidy Courtney I had to get my name changed to Veronica McMallenballs. It's true. See ya later be careful don't call me I'll call you.