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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Grand Opening of the Jeff Canal

So there I was, Sunday night, writhing in pain. After talking to my mom, I found out that my nerve was actually dying, and it was trying its best to take me with it. Wow. I don't think I've ever been in such intense pain in my whole life. I was literally rollin around in the yard..no joke. I know how those insane people feel now when they bang their head against the walls and scream etc etc.

Anyway, slept a lot and got a root canal. I lifted afterward...may have been a questionable decision. BUT it worked out, because I went to Opie's to get the gym key (note: Jeff is very irrepsonsible) and he decided to make a Sam's Club run with me. I also was reunited with my CD case...and the result of that was beautiful. I got my hands on an Alesheia-made dance CD for Clint, and we rocked out pretty seriously.

I got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

This morning I felt pretty much dead because of my tooth and the fact that I like storms too much to sleep through them. BUT, again, it worked out, because one person came in from 5:00am to 8:30am. Can anyone guess who? Ding Ding Ding, Robyn! She wants me to help her load some cable or something and drive it to G-rap...yea, probably not gonna do that. I got some good slumber in before The O's and the V came in though, so good times.

Looks like I'm headed to Illinois today, so that shoulder be a good time. I really hope this Bonneville is as cool as it looks, because I would be pumped to drive one again. I'm not sure about the laws regarding driving newly purchased vehicles, so if anyone could enlighten me thatd be just grand.

Softball Tonight! 9:10 @ Freeport, Harvest Community looks to build on its one-game winning streak. I have to remember to wear green, so hopefully I'll re-read this later and remember.

O, G and A are headed to the mall and Coldstone today so Alan can work his game with the coveted ice cream attendant, lol. I do harbor some jealousy of the trip though, I'm not going to front.

Opie is going to be depositing 10 BILLS into my bank account today, after he challenged me to a 7.5 minute run around the triangle, and I clocked in at a sweet 7:24. It was awesome though, he drove the burb next to me and yelled out the window....it was truly awesome. Thank You, Opie, Thank you.

Alan ran sprints at the track today. Good Job Alan.

Cass, I forgot to post earlier, but you definitely should have BBQed. We played much euchre and had many reindeer games in the pool. I definitely thought you were coming (thanks for the game attendance) but I guess if you had fun then you can't ask for much more. Oh, softball update, we lost Friday, 10-4 (Meaning we now BELONG to Doctor's Chiropractic). Thursday night we have the league tournament and we play at 7:15. It's only a four team tournament so if we win we play again in the finals. I feel good about our chances. Friday night is also a late game (9:40). Ada Beef tends to truly perform under the lights, so It'd be a lie to say I'm not optmistic. Tyler has really been playing some good ball lately, Kudos to that kid.

I'm going to go drink some liquid motrin.

I've never seen you looking so lovely as you do tonight...never seen you shine so bright....

-Jeff de Burgh-


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