She's buzzin' just like neon, neon.
So far as of right now, I've worked roughly 12 hours today. Got to work a little before nine, was supposed to be out by 4 I instead got asked to stay until 5. Didn't actually end up leaving until six. Got a call a little before nine to go back into work, and stayed from nine thirty til now. Tomorrow I work 10 to 4, and I have to leave even before four! my interview is at quarter after four, even though it is Cheeses mom. I still must be punctual; she also said that I could come in my work clothes, as I would just be getting out of work. I say bah to that! I'm dressing to impress here! I have pick out a nice ensamble for tomorrow interview that says "Whoa! this lady means business, but a fun business, but not like a hooker fun business," I think you get my point. I should probably go iron my shirt for tomorrows event. Wish my luck! I hope you've all had a good day! Peace Easy.
~Mama Cass
~Mama Cass
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