Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Innapporiate? Abosofuckinglutely! I am so so so happy about being home in 5 days that i cannot study. Which could make me fail my American Econ Exam tomorrow. It is at 4 pm. Which i should be happy about, but right now i just want everything to go by fast, so the sooner the better! DAMNIT. This week is gonna fly by though, and then i will be sad. Until then. . . ahhhhhhhh. So i plan on making an appearance at the Geoff O'Donnell residence Friday night, but although i would love love love to get completely wasted, i doubt i will. Since i will have been driving for 7.5 hours by the time i get there. Ugh. But for mow, i gotta go, we are getting some grub before probably avoiding work and drinking coffee for another 4 hours. . . . adios. I shall see you all too soon! :-D

Saturday, April 29, 2006

One week!

Five exams... four days... I cannot wait for it to be over!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The RSS reader

I stumbled upon one of these and accidentally found out what it is. It's a program that you set to take feeds, and it automatically updates when a new one becomes available. For a while I had a Reader, and I went to cnn.com, and had it update me with newsbreaks (lame, i know). Anyway, it keeps all the articles unti; you delete them too. I thought you could get pretty much anything to download to them, and apparently you can.

Umpired 6 games in 12 hours with a guy named Jairus yesterday. Yay.


Penny Arcade Podcast

For those of you that enjoy Penny Arcade, you'll be happy to know they put out a podcast now. And, holy balls is it funny. You can get at it through iTunes, they've got an RSS feed too, but I'm not 100% sure what that is, so I recommend iTunes. The whole podcast is them coming up with the comic idea for the day. They don't record every session. Fucking wow, it's good stuff.

Also, one the topic of podcasts you should all listen to "SecurityNow" and "This Week in Tech". Both shows are put together by Leo Laporte, of TechTV (God rest it's soul) fame. TWiT has a bunch of other funny/nerdy folks on it. Anyway, those are my recommendations.

I lift heavy weights on accident

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Work it!

So is there some like. . . secret mission going on here to promote the gym? Because it seems to me like everyone is having all this gym talk. I am onto you guys. . . But anyway- so much great stuff has happened to me within like. . . 4 hours that i might just burst! Okay- so in Social work today she announced that we will not be having class. . .WAIT- we are having class, but we are having a "library day" on Thursday. . . . (i hope you are catching my drift here). So no class on Thursday morning which also means we don't have to turn in our paper until next tuesday! AND THEN I called my granny who is going to be sending me rolls (:-D), and i sent my mom an arrangement of tulips at work to brighten her day, then Alan called (which is a rare occurance), so that made me happy, THEN Hamler (Nyle's roomie who is still in Iraq) called!!!!!!!! I haven't heard from him in a while! So i was excited about that, THEN i checked for the class i want at GRCC and someone dropped, so I AM TOTALLY FUCKING IN!!!!!!! Which means i have class 3 days after i get back home. . . . but that's completely okay by me! So THEN i called my dad and left a message, then called granny's to talk to my mom who was actually happy for once! :-) THHHHHHHHEN Alex called me to tell me he misses me. :-D So i am not sure if anyone or anything could really ruin this day for me. . . not that i am trying to get it ruined, but seriously. Definately one of the best days ever in history right now. I do have American economy at 5:10 though. . . ugh. But i shall live, i promise. I WILL BE HOME IN 17 DAYS DAMNIT. The countdown is on.


So there was this one time, long long ago....about 3 days, and there was some liftage at the sportsplex.

A youngman, Geoff O'Donnell, was having himself a leg day. He was wearing the HR monitor and having a day. The young man burned nearly 900 calories in an hour and a half! It was truly grand!

Whilst squatting, he put on (alledgedly) 275 pounds. "My" though Geoff "that was inordinately heavy. Perhaps my perception of weight has been skewed by the rubber nonsense at IM West. Golly, I'll suppose I'll just do 295 (Instead of 305 or more).

After doing that set, Geoffrey though to himself "Wow, I spell my name wrong, and that was also very heavy. I guess I'll take the weight off now"

Upon taking the weight off, he realized that the weights have LABELS, and on those labels it says how much each weight weighs (In pounds and kilograms). He had failed to read those labels, and had accidentally put on 35s (instead of 25s), and then 25s (instead of 10s). Which, for those of you who don't want to do the math, means 275 = 295, and 295 = a WHOPPING 345!

The Viking Sportsplex tricked Geoff O'Donnell into getting better. Let it trick you too.

We pretty much have 1.5 wks of school left, some exams, followed by awesomeness. Luckily, I have exams Monday morning, Tuesday night....and.........you guessed it, Friday morning at 7:45. Haha folks, wouldn't want me to get out early eh? Have a nice day. I posted the sportsplex hours in case anyone is in the mood for a magic show.

M/W 5am - 8pm
T/Th 10am - 8pm
Fri 5am - 7PM
Sat 8am - 2PM
Sun 10am-2pm

oh sportsplex how i love thee

so today I go to the gym no no... I skip my 2 day a week class to go to the gym. I start doing arms you the standard issue arm workout when boom I shock the chest... then i went and elipticized for 10 minutes then BOOOM I did my arm workout again. then i came home and sat until i could feel them again to type this.

Then when i got home I had 2 pieces of steak washed down with a protein shake and masturbated in the shower

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

OOh Abby

I may have just fallen in love with you today.


Funny thing, I used that article to write an option paper in my Writing class last year. I was for Dodgeball. I believe I used it first senior year to write an article in the school newspaper too!

The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym. . . .

This atricle is one my EN211 teacher read to us the other day, and i thought pretty much everyone on this blog would find it as true and funny as myself. Especially the gym-goers! :-) Love love love

The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym

NOT TO alarm you, but America is going softer than left-out butter. Exhibit 9,137: Schools have started banning dodgeball.

I kid you not. Dodgeball has been outlawed by some school districts in New York, Texas, Utah and Virginia. Many more are thinking about it, like Cecil County, Md., where the school board wants to ban any game with "human targets." Personally, I wish all these people would go suck their Birkenstocks.

Human targets? What's tag? What's a snowball fight? What's a close play at second? Neil Williams, a physical education professor at Eastern Connecticut State, says dodgeball has to go because it "encourages the best to pick on the weak."

Noooo! You mean there's weak in the world? There's strong? Of course there is, and dodgeball is one of the first opportunities in life to figure out which one you are and how you're going to deal with it.

We had a bully. Big Joe, in our seventh grade. Must have weighed 225 pounds, used to take your underwear while you were in the shower and parade around the locker room twirling it on his finger. We also had a kid named Melvin, who was so thin we could've faxed him from class to class. I'll never forget the dodgeball game in which Big Joe had a ball in each hand and one sandwiched between his knees, firing at our side like a human tennis-ball machine, when, all of a sudden, he got plunked right in his 7-Eleven-sized butt. Joe whirled around to see who'd done it and saw that it was none other than Melvin,
all 83 pounds of him, most of it smile.

Some of these New Age whiners say dodgeball is inappropriate in these times of horrifying school shootings. Are you kidding? Dodgeball is one of the few times in life when you get to let out your aggressions, no questions asked. We don't need less dodgeball in schools, we need more!

I know what all these NPR-listening, Starbucks-guzzling parents want. They want their Ambers and their Alexanders to grow up in a cozy womb of noncompetition, where everybody shares tofu and Little Red Riding Hood and the big, bad wolf set up a commune. Then their kids will stumble out into the bright light of the real world and find out that, yes, there's weak and there's strong and teams and sides and winning and losing. You'll recognize those kids. They'll be the ones filling up chalupas. Very noncompetitive.

But Williams and his fellow wusses aren't stopping at dodgeball. In their Physical Education Hall of Shame they've also included duck-duck-goose and musical chairs. Seriously. So, if we give them dodgeball, you can look for these games to be banned next:

Tag. Referring to any child as it is demeaning and hurtful. Instead of the child hollering, "You're it!" we recommend, "You're special!"

Red Rover. Inappropriate labeling of children as animals. Also, the use of the word red evokes Communist undertones.

Sardines. Unfairly leaves one child alone at the end as the loser—a term psychologists have deemed unacceptable.

Hide-and-seek. No child need hide or be sought. The modern child runs free in search of himself.

Baseball. Involves wrong-headed notions of stealing, errors and gruesome hit-and-run. Players should always be safe, never out.

Hopscotch. Sounds vaguely alcoholic, not to mention demeaning to our friends of Scottish ancestry.

Marbles. Winning others' marbles is overly capitalistic.

Marco Polo. Mocks the blind.

Capture the flag. Mimics war.

Kick the can. Unfair to the can.

Dodgeball is one of the few times in life when you get to let out your aggressions, no questions asked.

If we let these PC twinkles have their way, we'll be left with:

Duck-duck-duck. Teacher spends the entire hour patting each child softly on the head.

Upsy down. The entire class takes turns fluffing the gym teacher's pillow before her nap.

Swedish baseball. Players are allowed free passage to first, second or third, where they receive a relaxing two-minute massage
from opposing players.

Smear the mirror. Students take turns using whipped cream to smear parts of their reflection they don't like, e.g., the fat they
have accrued from never doing a damn thing in gym class.

Sports Illustrated May 14, 2001

Saturday, April 01, 2006

1 month, 3 days... 33 Days... 2,851,200 seconds... 47,520 minutes... 792 hours... 5 weeks!!!!!

School's almost out!!! I had Job training this weekend. It sucked. So if any of your guys' parents take vitamins... hook me up.. I sell them now! yay! I should make some killer $$ though! I'm pumped. I cannot wait until this summer. I'm going to lay out in the sun, and work when I want to, and go to Florida when I want to! Oh it'll be the life! Anyway, I just wanted to make an appearance on the good ole' blogger! I'm off the G-Rap to meet Aleshiea!

love love!