Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Keith Urban has some good hair!

I'm watching a music video of his, and I'm just admiring it...Anyway Geoff's 21st birthday party is tonight. I shall be there, but probably not for long. I need to get crazy busy on med terms, and a test I have to do in my Ethics, and I have to do some research for my art class. We've got presentations (group ones...thankfully) (Wow, Keith is really rockin' out....ohhh his hair..I'm jealous) and I have to research historical events and what not for opt art which I think is like figure ground reversal. Not totally sure. Anyway I should skedattle, or is it Skee dattle? anyway Keep on rockin' kids!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Seriously, it wasn't me

You gotta beleive me.

Abby, you have to apply to GRCC first, then they give you a student ID and password and the rest is cake. When you go in person they accept you in like 5 seconds. Note: Tuiton is increasing from $125 to $142 next year, heard it on the news.

I recently recovered from the plague, so I was kinda incognito this weekend. Thanks to Alesheia for the advice and warning me how evil water was. Last Friday Alan and Caleb and I wrestled at Grand Ledge and we all won a bunch of times. This week is at Sparta and could very well get housed. OOOHHH I JUst sneezed all over my keyboard. Anyway, keep it real.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

This class kills me. Actually, it is a good way to do nothing for 2 hours and feel like i got something done. This guy rambles and i kinda listen, but his overheads are from like 1960, so i figure they might be outdated. Sometimes he says stuff that we all know is dumb or he is just saying it to hopefully piss someone off and make them ask a question. . . but we don't. Once he just started swearing insanely. . . but we didn't budge, we are that hard core. But annnnnnnnnnyway- how's life for everyone? I am currently trying to find my way around the GRCC webpage to figure out how to take summer courses. . . do i have to apply to get in still? I have no idea, but they are the only CC that has the class i need. I am trying to take Human Anat. and Phys. so i won't terrible fail it here. And maybe we won't have to use a human cadavor. UGH. But anyway- they have the class i want and need, now i just need to get in it. And mention it to my parents that i am trying to get in it. Hahaha. Good work, Abby. My name looks good typed, but not written. It is way too plain to write every day of my life, but i don't mind it typed. Abby Weeks. Hmmm. . . 9 minutes left of this old man and i am free to sprint (or safely shuffle across the ice- but quickly) to the Market Place to eat some damn grub. sigh. 8 minutes now. So kinda sad, but i am really glad to be here at Northern right now. I;m not exactly sure why, but i am loving it here right now. Like i am glad i am not home. Not because i don't want to see people, because i'd shit if someone came to see me, but. . . yeah. OH OH! My brother has Good Friday off and is coming to see me, so i suppose maybe if anyone wanted to come with him they prooooooooobably could, but call him and see first. . . (Pat's newly bought cell phone: 616-204-0397) I love you all. . . some more than others. HAHAHAHA. I still have a huge bruise from that bitch jabbing me when i donated plasma. . . :-(

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Oh where are the bloggers?

Oh where are the bloggers? oh where are the bloggers, oh where oh where oh where oh where there is no hair oh WHHHHEEERRREEEE are the bloggers?


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

...and they called it El Nino!

word up! El Nino was freakin' awesome! I danced with Harry Doele (the hospital's CEO) I acidentlly stepped on his feet three times...It was the first time a guy has actually led. It was new to me, so I apologized. At first the music was from the 60's and 70's which was okay it was just a little hard to groove to. then we did the locamotion! that was crazy fun, I started dancing at 8:00 and I didn't stop until 11:30. It was definitely fun! those doctors know how to put on a good time! I just got done watching duece episodes of Will and Grace! I've got to meet with a finacial advisor, and take a COMPASS test tomorrow at Davenport....so wish me luck! lol. I've gotta remember a calculator.....soo Today in my art class we took a field trip to J-Ad. We went back to the printing presses, and there are hugh rolls of news paper rolls. Each roll has seven miles worth of paper on it, and they were stacked like four high it was crazy mad, and it made me want to go climb them, and I've got a fever and the only perscription is more cow bell, and climbing on hugh rolls of newprint paper. All right well I'm tired, so I'll talk to you kids later!