Speak Easy.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

If it ain't Scottish it's crap!

Hey kids! I can't believe that people posted! it makes me happy! gives me something to read. What has been going on in my life you ask? Well jack shit the same shit that has been going on for a while. Ya know who I miss? Eric Gruber...I really miss that kid, and his smile. He's the nicest guy I'm pretty sure in the history of the earth. His girlfriend is just as nice as he is..I can't even convince myself to hate her! It's impossible! She'd say something to you ,and in your head you're just like "Damn it I can't dislike her!" I saw Josh Whitaker the other day too! it was weird to see him! I haven't seen him since I graduated, so we shot the shit for a minute and exchanged numbers, and went on our seperate ways. Not a lot going on this weekend. I work friday and El Nino is saturday..this makes me happy! I'm excited for my first El Nino. I hope the OBGYN's interns will be there I hear they're pretty good looking; there will be music, and the best part...free beer(but sadly enough no hot wings!) . I'm way excited! All right kids! I'm outta here! Peace Easy


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