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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

back in black. . .

I am currently in Why America Looks This Way watching a video about that thing they built in Seattle. . . yep. I actually don't remember what it is called. Probably something like the Seattle monument, right? Story of my life. Other story of my life. . . : Last night Mike busts out something Mandie had said to me about Mike right in front of me and her and me. (Mandie had told me to punch myself for saying i thought Mike was cute). Mandie, being the shallow person she is, said that I was lying and "she didn't remember saying that. . . " THEN that I was "confusing that with someone else we were talking about". No i was not. Just because you are a bitch behind people's backs and you don't have enough balls to be confronted about it. . . do not point your little finger at me. I am pretty sure you are 20 years old now and you can take responsibility for your actions. Who does that? Ugh. Let me know if i ever do that. Please. But seriously, what a bitch. Then she gets all mad at me. Okay. So when Mike came to keep me awak until 4 like he does every night, i had small talk with him, and told him not to come back. He was appauled at how i was acting and i told him that i thought it was innapropriate for him to bring something up to Mandie that he knew would just cause conflict (besides the fact that i told him what she said in confidence). So he starts pulling this card out, "Abby, don't be mad at me because i am friends with you and Mandie. . . i'm just taking a neutral position right now, because i am friends with both of you. . . you can't be mad at me for that." RIIIIIIIIGHT.

Listen. Mandie may not even be MY friend for all i know. She tends to be fake with almost everyone. Not fake as a person, but more like, "i'm gonna act like i actually like you, and when you turn around i'm going to talk shit about you and talk about you like i think you are the skum of the earth" I can attest to her doing this to Mike MULTIPLE times. Mandie even had a "ban" on Mike this year, so that he got written up if he talked to her. I begged her to give him another chance and have it lifted.

So when Mike pulls this, "I am friends with both of you. . . " excuse me? Oh yeah, i forgot you and Mandie go wayyyyyy back. I'm not mad that he thinks he is "friends" with Mandie now, because i'm sure a lot of people think that, but what really bothers me is was not sticking up for me. I know for a fact if some random person i just talked to for 1 hour was talking shit about Mike, i would stick up for him. (Or at least within the circumstances of the shit Mandie was talking). But apparently I thought of Mike as more of a friend that he thought of me. I confided in him and have stood up for him and been there for him, and when i need him he rolls over like a sad dog? Fuck that. What is that? That's shit. Go ahead and have your fake friendship with Mandie, see if i care. So i was talking to Mike, either way, and Mandie busts out of the bathroom where i'm sure she had been listening the whole time. "We need to talk." No, no we don't. Mandie is all about winning and i don't have time for this pointless arguement right now. So since no one would leave me, i left them and went and sat on Lake Superior for an hour. Went back, talked to Tasha. Went to bed. ugh. Drama is so gay.

Thanks for allowing me to vent. Updates to come later.


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