Speak Easy.

You're here, and we love you for it.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I wish the real world would just stop hasslin' me.

Wow. I used to check this blog like everyday, and now that I haven't in roughly a million years....geez. I'm truly amazed. I'm in English right now. I work saturday at the dreaded subway. Work at the hospital is going amazingly well. It's so easy! and everyone there is super cool. Dawn and I last night played bumper carts. We have scheduled wheel chair races on 4th floor next time we both work, which will be monday!. I have a psych test tomorrow. Today I actually got a day off, so I should probably study for that. I've seen Matt Lipstraw once, and his amazing smile..oh geez, anyway about to start class! Abby I miss you! hope everthing is well!

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Yep, we are so doing it. Jeff, you turd. You know very well that the blog is fun for everyone! I am in sociology right now, so that is always fun. I never pay attention, so let's hope i don't fail horribly. wow, we just took a practice quiz and i got roughly hlaf of the questions right. I'll blog later, i guess. Jeff, i miss you.

Blog.....let there be life

Abby, nice work. I have to say, I was little more excited to post before I realized that only Alan's opinion mattered.....
But yea, I've gotta go to class, but I definitely facebooked a guy and played him in racquetball yesterday..it was amazing. And yknow what? I lost. And it was beautiful. Thereis a tremendous opportunity for cardio here.
Yep, I'm in accounting club too as of yesterday, so if you didnt think i was cool before you obviously must now. I hope everything is going well for everyone. Peace.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

can i do this?

Is it legal to blog anymore? I miss this blog dearly. I don't want it to die, but i think it already has. But i am going to do this anyway.

So i drove back to Northern from home last night. So when i got back i figured that i would just unpack a little bit, say hi to everyone and go to bed, since i got back at 2 am. But no- I started to unoack, Mike came in and wanted me to go outside with him so he could smoke, and i had to go and park my Jeep. -which in case you were wondering- there is no fucking parking anywhere to be found. But so Mike and i end up driving around everywhere in town, just checking it out and talking, and listening to music. And i discover something that has never happened to me before. I realize that Mike knows me better from talking to me for 2 hours total than some of my best friends know me. It is like he knows me without actually knowing me yet. What the hell is that? I don't even know what to do. I am the one that is supposed to be the people reader. The one that knows people more than they would like me to. Mike- Mike Sweppy. He is from Troy, Michigan, he has 7 tattoos. 5 piercings that i can see, and just looks like he is getting into trouble. Definately got the bad boy look going for him. But is totally isn't. He is fucking hillarious. And he has a sense of humor like (and beyond) mine. I originally thought that he didn't care what anyone thought, but i kinda changed my mind and now i know he does care. But when he knows someone thinks something about him or about anything, he feels the need to set them straight and tell them how he is or how it is. And i think that is awesome. That's the way it should be, and i think it is awesome. So that's Mike for you. There's more to it, but for now that's what i'll give you. But long story short, i am stuck in a funny spot and i don't know what to think, and/or do. Nothing i guess. Alan, where are you on this one? I need you at times like this. So i went to bed at 7 this morning after talking to Mike for forever last night. Alan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will you come ane visit me? I need you right now. :-( Maybe i'll be able to update this later, so stay tuned. . . . i love you all and i miss seeing you. Everyone feel free to call me whenever you want to.

-Abby Wildcat Weeks